
What services do you offer?

We provide destination wedding, elopement and vow renewal planning services in the form of customisable packages. Use our instant Online Quote Tool to create your own package by selecting which services you require for your special day. Because our prices are fixed, you will know from the very beginning exactly how much your entire event will cost. No more frantic accounting required to ensure you stay within your budget!

In which countries do you operate?

We plan weddings, elopements and vow renewals in nine European destinations including Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland & Northern Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland.

Is there a limit on the number of guests we can bring?

Our packages are perfect for intimate events anywhere between 2 - 60 people. We can still work with bigger groups between 60 - 100 guests if we feel that our package service is a good fit for your event. Unfortunately, we won't be able to help if your expected guest list more than 100 people.

How does the planning process look if we book with you?

STEP 1: Start by selecting your desired wedding package using our instant online quote. Once you are happy with your package and the estimated total price, fill in your details and submit the form. One of our dedicated wedding planners will be in touch with you within a few days to discuss your enquiry and answer any questions.

STEP 2: If you haven't already done so, browse our list recommended wedding venues or ask your wedding planner to make a recommendation based on your needs and preferences. Our directory contains venues that we have previously worked in, or locations that we have personally visited and inspected.

STEP 3: Should you decide to work with us, we will send you our booking agreement and ask you to secure our availability with a deposit. Total value of your package, depending on how soon your wedding date is. Please see our booking conditions page for more information.

STEP 4: We put you directly in touch with your celebrant/officiant. They will contact you in due course and set up a time for a call to talk about your ceremony and simply get to know you. They will write your bespoke ceremony outline including the rituals and wording of your choice.

STEP 5: Follow our ‘Next Steps’ guideline (sent to you upon receipt of the deposit) to let us know about your preferences for flowers, styling, music, cake, etc. Your wedding planner will communicate these preferences to the vendors and ensure that your requirements are thoroughly understood.

STEP 6: Around four weeks before your big day, we will double-check every small detail with the vendors and send you a detailed timeline for the day, together with all vendor contact details that you might need.

STEP 7: On your wedding day, there’s nothing left for you to do but to relax, enjoy and say yes! In case you should need us, we will be available to deal with any issues or help otherwise.

Does 'customisable' mean we can remove items and reduce the price?

We understand that budget is one of the main concerns in wedding planning. The good news is that we allow full customization of the package so you can adapt it to your needs to suit your budget! During your initial consultation period you can remove, swap or change the package inclusions as needed. Once you’ve figured it out, we can recalculate the price accordingly.

How are packages different from bespoke destination weddings?

Our couples go for a package for their wedding day basically because they’re searching for a stress-free and easy wedding planning process. They trust that all the wedding professionals involved have years of experience in the field and will do their best in making their special day truly unique. Wedding vendors are directly chosen and booked by your dedicated wedding planner in Peach Perfect Weddings, so that you don’t have to worry about all the bits and pieces but rather just have one single point of contact from start to finish.

Bespoke weddings are definitely more for couples who want to be involved 100% in the planning process, and naturally are prone to spend more time (and money!) for their wedding.


Who will officiate our wedding?

First off, there’s a difference between an Officiant and a Celebrant. An officiant has the official capacity to marry couples in a legally-binding ceremony, while Celebrants typically perform non-legal ceremonies and blessings. All of our Officiant partners are accredited according to the legal requirements of each country, whilst our Celebrants are all professionally trained in performing wedding ceremonies. A Celebrant or Officiant will be assigned to you depending on your chosen ceremony type and preferences.

Can we personalize our wedding ceremony?

Yes, the Celebrant/ Officiant assigned to your wedding will reach out to you directly and work with you to personalise the ceremony following your desires. They will ask you about your story, your preferences in wording and advise on rituals or traditions you want to include in your wedding ceremony.

Do you help us write the ceremony?

Yes, the Celebrant/Officiant assigned to your wedding will reach out to you directly and work with you to personalise the ceremony following your desires. He will also help you write your own vows to design a truly unique ceremony.

Can we customise the ceremony and write our own vows?

If you are getting married by Civil or Religious ceremony, then your options for ceremony customization will be somewhat limited, as these types of ceremonies have to follow a formal structure. By prior agreement with the Mayor/ Registrar/ Priest who will be performing the ceremony, you may be allowed to say your own vows and include readings, etc. However, if you are getting married symbolically then you can completely adapt the ceremony working to your wishes.

What does a vow renewal ceremony look like?

Exactly the way you want it! Because a vow renewal ceremony is symbolic and non legally-binding, you can customize it just as you wish. We will put you in contact with your own celebrant who will help you write your vows and design the perfect ceremony for you. And you can of course exchange rings if you want to!

What does a symbolic (non-legal) ceremony look like?

When choosing a symbolic (i.e. a non-legally-binding ceremony or blessing), you can customize it exactly the way you want to. There are no rules or requirements when it comes to symbolic ceremonies. However, if you wish to have a format similar to a legally-binding wedding, you can! In a symbolic ceremony you may include exactly the same elements, like an exchange of vows and rings, and do virtually everything else that couples would do in a legal ceremony.

Is there some legal paperwork involved in a symbolic ceremony?

Absolutely not! A symbolic ceremony (sometimes also called a blessing) doesn’t require any legal paperwork to be sorted out and there are no bureaucratic processes to go through. We will simply put you in contact with your English-speaking celebrant, who will help you write your own vows and design your ceremony exactly how you want it. It’s as easy as that!

Can we have a bilingual ceremony?

Yes! All our celebrants are either native English-speakers or are experienced in performing English wedding ceremonies. We also work with bilingual celebrants who can deliver a ceremony in two languages. If you are looking to have a bilingual wedding, please let your wedding planner know as early as possible so they can secure the right vendor for you. Additional fees will usually apply for bilingual ceremonies.

I want an outdoor ceremony, but what options are there for plan B if it rains?

If you’ve chosen to get married in an outdoor location, remember there is always the risk that you will get wet. An indoor ceremony backup plan usually comes at an additional cost, regardless of whether you actually end up using it or not. We advice our clients that unless the weather is particularly bad, it’s usually enough to just postpone the ceremony by about half an hour to allow the rain to pass. But in the case of expected prolonged rain, our advice is to make sure you book your wedding night accommodation at a nice hotel that has a suitable room (usually a communal area of the hotel or a dedicated function room) where you can hold the ceremony as a last resort.


How do we choose the vendors booked within our package?

We’ve already chosen the best vendors for you! When booking your elopement, small wedding or vow renewal with Peach Perfect Weddings, you are hiring a team of established wedding professionals working together to produce the perfect wedding experience for you.

Over the years we hand-picked a group of reliable suppliers for each location and have been working with these suppliers for every event that we organize. By always working with the same team of professionals we are been able to negotiate the best rates for our clients as well as ensuring that each supplier is very familiar with the location, flow of the day and their role in producing the perfect wedding day for you.

So when you book a package with us, we will assign specific vendors to your wedding based on your requirements, date and location.

Do we have a choice in what flowers, music and wedding cake we get?

Absolutely! Once you’ve secured your booking with a deposit and began the wedding planning process with us, we will ask you to tell us your preferences for each element.

For flowers, send us a reference photo of the bridal bouquet (and other floral elements where applicable) that you like and our florist will match this as closely as possible. In rare cases we may not be able to procure flowers that are out of season, in which case the florist will suggest the best look-alike alternatives.

For live music, you can choose from a list of songs recommended by us and/or those available in the musician's personal repertoire. Specific song requests can also be accommodated, but in some cases may require a small additional charge to compensate for the time spent learning a new song.

For wedding cake, tell us your preferred flavour and finishing style. A reference picture also helps here!

What does the live music typically look like?

If you include 'Live Music for Ceremony' in your wedding package, we’ll set the mood of your ceremony by filling the area with a romantic melody performed by a professional musician.

We work with talented musicians who play different instruments like the harp, flute, guitar, violin, piano and concertinas. You can select your preferred instrument and you also have the option to book a solo performance, duet or a quartet. Different fees apply for each option.

Songs can be picked from the musicians' personal repertoire or from our recommended list of popular wedding songs. You can also request specific songs, however a small extra fee may apply in cases where the musician needs to learn your special request.

Who will be our photographer and/or videographer?

We understand the importance of amazing photography and cinematography better than anyone - after all, we depend on them to showcase our work to future clients! We would never book a vendor whose work we wouldn't be proud to display on our website.

We work with a small selection of highly experienced local photographers and videographers in each country. Browsing our website and social media pages will give you a good sense of the quality of film and imagery you can expect to receive. Of course we will always endeavour to take your stylistic preferences into account.

Will you be there in person on the day of our wedding?

We usually recommend that our couples book on-the-day coordination as part of their wedding package with us. However we also understand that there are budget restrictions and other things to consider. For example, we know from experience that due to the intimate nature of elopements, having too many people around you can spoil the delicate nature of this private moment.

So unless you have booked on-the-day coordination as part of your wedding package, the day will run without an ‘orchestrator’. However, we are always available on the phone to fix any (highly unlikely) issues!

Do we really need On-the-Day-Coordination?

It depends on your specific case and on the number of guests you are inviting. In our experience, coordinators are not absolutely necessary for elopements and very small weddings. In fact, almost half of the events we organize take place without a coordinator present. Our experienced team of professional wedding vendors are exceptionally good at what they do, and because they have typically worked with us on numerous other occasions, they know exactly what to expect.

However, if you are having a bigger wedding that requires setting up decoration, seating or includes a reception or catered dinner, then including On-the Day-Coordination in your wedding package is highly recommended to make sure that you can relax and focus on enjoying your big day.

Can I just book the wedding venue with you and other vendors myself?

Since we specialise in wedding packages, we do not offer the option to book 'Venue Search' as a standalone service on it's own. Couples should commit to a full package to work with Peach Perfect Weddings.

🇦🇹 Austria

What are the legal requirements to get married in Austria?

We have written a detailed article about this! Check it out here.

🇫🇷 France

Can foreigners get legally married in France?

Unless you are already living in France, having a legally-binding French marriage ceremony is only possible if you can afford to spend a significant amount of time in the country before the wedding: 40 days to be precise.

If you have a parent permanently residing in France, or you own property in the country, then the 40 day residency requirement may be wavered at the discretion of the Mayor at the Town Hall (‘Mairie’ in French) where you wish to be married.

It is also worth noting that even if you do get the residency requirement wavered, a legally-binding wedding ceremony in France must take place at the Town Hall. If you are planning on a church ceremony, you must already be civilly married before the religious ceremony is allowed to take place.

What's the best time of year to marry in France?

France is a large country and the weather conditions in each of its corners can vary significantly. The Northern regions of Brittany, Normandy and Hauts-de-France don’t enjoy the same predictable hot summers that Provence, Cote d’Azur, Aquitaine, Midi-Pyrénées and Languedoc-Roussillon can pretty much bank on during the months of May to September.

Each region has its quirks that make weather predictions difficult! For example, the French Riviera is exposed to high winds that can get rather uncomfortable even in the summer months. Equally, you probably want to avoid getting married in the South West of France in the peak month of July and August as temperatures can easily climb up to 40 degrees Celsius under the sun. Likewise, maybe don’t bank on an outdoor French chateau wedding in the Loire Valley in May – statistically the wettest month of the year in this region.

Do we need an Plan B for a summer wedding in France?

As with all things weather-related, investing in a decent plan B that you would be happy to fall back on is extremely important. Too often we hear stories of couples who haphazardly threw together their rainy day option (thinking they wouldn’t need to resort to it) and were heartbroken when the skies turned on them.

Similarly it’s important not to forget the other extreme end of the scale – scorching heat. So if you have your heart set on a summer chateau wedding in South of France, then setting aside some budget for parasols or a canopy tent is highly advisable.

Likewise, if your French destination wedding is to be on the fringe months (April and October) then investing in a marquee or booking a venue with a suitable indoor option is a very wise idea. Plan for all eventualities so you won’t be disappointed!

🇩🇪 Germany

Can foreigners get legally married in Germany?

Yes, you can legally marry in Germany but the registration will take some bureaucratic effort and plenty of time. Since the requirements can vary from case to case, this is just an example of the typical procedure. A minimum residency is required before you can give your notice of Impending Marriage. This notice must be filed in person by both you and your fiance at the local registrar’s office several months before your wedding day. All documents must be verified and must not be older than 6 months old.

A legally-binding wedding ceremony in Germany must take place at the Town Hall or at another approved location. Your wedding planner in Germany can suggest the best place for you!

Is there another option? Most of our couples take care of the legal paperwork back home (i.e. legally-register their marriage where they currently reside) and elope in Germany to have a symbolic wedding. Remember that you can always get “secretly” married at home and have a meaningful symbolic ceremony in Germany where you exchange rings and say your vows.

When in the best time of year to host a wedding in Germany?

“Rainy wedding, happy marriage”. In many cultures rain on your wedding day is considered a sign for many happy years of marriage to come.

When getting married in Germany, a little rain now and then is something to expect, regardless of the season. If you’re planning an outdoor elopement, the summer months between May and August are the “safest” to elope in Germany in terms of weather. While there still might be rain, it will most likely last for only a short period of time and will not stop you from saying yes at your chosen location. If you’re dreaming of falling leaves, rich reds and golden shades, then elope in Germany in autumn. The vibrant colours of the season will make an amazing backdrop to your wedding ceremony!

Especially in the mountainous regions in southern Bavaria, there will be snow in the winter months, so be prepared! For a romantic winter destination wedding in Germany, the months of December, January and February are ideal.

Generally, don’t try to predict the weather for your when you elope in Germany. Go with the date that means the most to you. Even if it will rain, your day will be extra special!

Will our marriage in Germany be legal back home?

Yes! In most cases (including USA and UK) a marriage registered in Germany will be completely legal back home. As long as you follow all legal requirements in Germany, your marriage will be treated as if it had been registered in you home country.

🇮🇪 Ireland

What are the legal requirements for a wedding in Ireland?

Help with legal paperwork is a key element of our Elopement Package and we will personally guide you through each step of the process. But in essence, having a legally-binding wedding ceremony in Ireland requires four things:

  1. Sending in your application a minimum 3 months in advance of the wedding day;

  2. Meeting with the Registrar in person at least 5 calendar days before the wedding;

  3. Having two Witnesses present at your ceremony;

  4. Making sure your chosen ceremony location is suitable for a legally-binding marriage ceremony.

What are the legal requirements for a wedding in Northern Ireland?

Unlike the Republic of Ireland, the legal requirements to get married in Northern Ireland are slightly simpler. You must give the Registrar a minimum of 28 days notice before the suggested wedding date (versus 3 months in the republic of Ireland). The marriage application can be submitted by post and both yourself and the Officiant will need to sign hard copies of the application form. The couple also needs to meet the registrar in person to provide the hard copy, original versions of the papers mentioned, and to get their marriage certificate. But unlike in Ireland where it's required to do the in-person meeting 5 calendar days before the wedding, in Northern Ireland, this can only be around 1-2 days before the wedding day. Non-UK, EEA or Swiss citizens will also need to obtain a Marriage Visa and complete an Immigration Status Statement. Proof of both these documents needs to be submitted together with your Marriage Notice Application Form.

Do we really have to meet the registrar in person 5 days before the wedding?

Yes, you do if you want to be legally married in Ireland. The meeting must take place minimum 5 calendar days before the ceremony and an appointment can only be given on weekdays (Monday to Friday). If your wedding is on Friday, the meeting must take place latest on Friday the week before.

Will our Irish marriage also be legal back home?

Absolutely! After the ceremony is over and you’ve sent off the signed Marriage Registration Form back to the Registrar, within a few weeks they will post you your marriage certificate. To register the marriage in your home country just take your marriage certificate to the local courthouse or other government body which is responsible for the civil register in your country.

Will our marriage in Northern Ireland also be legal back home?

Absolutely! Within three days after the ceremony is over you must send the signed marriage schedule back to the Registrar (or hand it in personally). Afterwards you will be able to order a copy of your marriage certificate online. To register the marriage in your home country just take this marriage certificate to the local courthouse or other government body which is responsible for the civil register in your country.

What is the best time of year to marry in Ireland in terms of weather?

Unfortunately, there are absolutely no guarantees when it comes to Irish weather! In recent years, some of our couples who eloped in April or October had better weather or their wedding day than those who tied the knot in July or August.

In general, second half of the year in Ireland is wetter and windier than the first half, with the wettest months typically being August and December. For outdoor locations it’s best to avoid the colder months from November though to February (unless you are happy wear a nice warm cover-up over your wedding dress!). The peak summer months for tourist activity and highest temperatures are considered to be June, July and August, but September can also be quite balmy.

So in choosing a date for your ceremony, don’t try to predict the weather! Go with what feels more natural. If you want to be married on the anniversary of your first kiss but it’s in January, then go for it! Rain or not, the day will be extra special.

🇮🇹 Italy

What are the legal requirements to for a Civil wedding in Italy?

Applicable law on a marriage in Italy for foreigners is the same across the country. However, local town halls may interpret the law in slightly different ways and waive certain requirements, which vary quite a lot also depending on your nationality - so the below is intended for general guidance only.

Before arriving in Italy, you will need to collect the following documents:

  1. Certificate of No Impediment (UK Citizens) or the “Certificate de Coutume” & MP2A Form (Irish Citizens);

  2. “Atto Notorio” (US & Australian Citizens) or the “Affidavit” (Canadian Citizens);

  3. Original long Birth Certificate, including the names of both your parents and translated into Italian;

  4. Valid Passports;

  5. Photocopies of the picture page of the Passports for your two witnesses, listing their name, address and occupation;

  6. If you have been married before – Divorce decree, Annulment decree or Death certificate of former spouse, translated into Italian;

  7. If you have changed your name – Deed poll.

Upon arriving in Italy, all these documents have to be presented to the Wedding Hall in the city where the marriage will be performed, where usually it is required a Declaration of Intention to Marry before a Civil Registrar. Usually the Declaration takes place 2 or 3 days prior the wedding.

Finally, remember that two witnesses over 18 years old are required for your wedding ceremony to be legally binding. If you’re eloping with just the two of you, we can provide witnesses for you.

What is the best time of year to marry in Italy?

Choosing to elope in Italy, you may expect beautiful sunshine and a cool breeze in your hair. While often this might be the case, remember that the weather from the top to the toe of the Italian boot varies quite a lot during the year!

If you want to enjoy Italian nature at its best, we suggest opting for the Spring months between the end of March and the beginning of June for eloping in Italy, when flowers bloom and trees show their most beautiful green shades. Yes, these are also the most unpredictable months for the rain, but it usually lasts for only two or three hours to then give place to the warmth of the sun again.

Summer is also glorious in Italy, especially along the coastline; it can be a bit too hot in bigger cities instead, that’s why from the end of June to the beginning of September an intimate Italian wedding on the beach would be ideal in our opinion… to really enjoy La Dolce Vita during those warm summer evenings.

Do you fancy a bit more dramatic landscape, with brown, yellow and orange tones and falling leaves? Then well, choose the Italian hills during the autumnal season: but remember to bring with you some cozy knitwear, in particular when eloping to the North or the Centre of the country!

A winter wedding is actually a bit more unusual, but if you’re up for that, Italy is where you will find the most variety in terms of weather and climate: while on the Northern and Central mountains temperatures can fall quite much below 0ºC and snow appears in November and starts melting in March or April, in the Southern regions winters are definitely milder and snow is really rare.

What is SIAE and why do I need to pay it?

SIAE is the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers (www.siae.it). Italian law requires that those who organize a private event (be that a wedding, party or any form of show) where intellectual works are used (i.e. live or recorded music) must obtain a license to be able to play music at this event. This applies to ALL intellectual property on music, not just Italian works.

Inspectors from the SIAE will issue heavy penalties to anyone who does not obtain the license. Most importantly, the arrival of the SIAE inspectors will cause a big disruption to your big event especially if the SIAE fees have not been paid beforehand.

Please note there are NO exceptions for the SIAE tax. We do not work with companies or musicians who do not ask you to pay SIAE tax because it is illegal.

The good news is we will always take care of the SIAE license at your behalf. The SIAE license cost for ceremony and reception music is always included in all our wedding packages for Italy, so you don’t have to worry about any unexpected additional costs.

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