Mystical lake elopement spot in Bavaria

Venue details

Type Lake Outdoor Waterside
Features Lake Panoramic View Woodland
Free public space
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Just a little over an hour drive from the buzzing capital of Bavaria you will find yourself at this tranquil place surrounded by mountains and green forest to all sides. This gorgeous lake in southern Bavaria is situated directly at the foot of Germany’s tallest mountain - the Zugspitze. Because of its idyllic setting and the crystal clear water the lake is known to be one of the most beautiful in all of Germany. It is also one of the cleanest lakes in Bavaria and can be used for swimming and diving.


A symbolic wedding ceremony is possible anywhere around the lake - be it at the shore of the perfectly transparent water or in the forest-like patches of woods surrounding the lake. Keep in mind that the lake is a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, especially in the hot summer months. Even though there are some quiet spots around the lake for your ceremony, there might still be the occasional hiker passing by. For a more private ceremony, we recommend eloping to Germany in autumn or spring or choosing the smaller Frillensee, which is located nearby, for your wedding ceremony.


Directly at the shore of the lake is a hotel that offers accommodation, restaurants and - in true Bavarian fashion - a large beer garden to enjoy the view.

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Photos: In Love with a Wolf

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